This guide provides information on locating, borrowing, and purchasing doctoral dissertations. It also addresses similar issues with regard to theses. Please note that doctoral dissertations are collected and archived more systematically than master's theses.
If you are unable to locate dissertations (or theses) using these instructions, ask a WilmU librarian for assistance at
What is a dissertation?: A dissertation is a book-length thesis or treatise prepared as a requirement for the award of a doctoral degree (Ed.D., D.B.A., D.N.P., Ph.D.)
What is a thesis?: A thesis is book-length essay or treatise prepared as a requirement for the award of a master's degree.
Why use a dissertation (thesis) for research?: Dissertations can be especially useful for locating recent research that may not yet be published in book or article format. Revised dissertations are often published later as books or scholarly articles; to find these, try searching for other works written by the same author.
British Library EThOS - Search and order theses online TEL : thèses en ligne Theses Canada Portal Theses Canada provides access to bibliographic citations for all the theses in the National Library of Canada Theses Collection. Access to full-text theses is available for all items published between January 1, 1998 to August 31, 2002.