This course introduces students to forms of literature that include short story, drama, poetry, and the novel. Students will read and critically analyze selected works from each literary genre. Students will learn how literary devices from all of the genres are used to create meaning for readers: plot, characterization, theme, point of view, symbol, irony, and figurative language. Students will engage in close reading: they will be asked to analyze literature inductively, using clues from the surface level of literature (literary devices) to create larger truths they see in the literature. Student analysis of literature will be expressed through essays, presentations, and other activities.
Watch a short video to learn how to successfully search databases.
This page contains content relevant for LIT 201 - Introduction to Literature course.
See Week 2 for more resources about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Click on the titles to open each item. Log in with your WilmU credentials to view the library licensed video.
Consider reading along as you watch the video of Macbeth.
If you are seeking additional items for your project, the library can help! We offer magazine and journal articles, videos, eBook chapters and other things. Start with the Find Articles tab for more places to look.
We also offer short database searching video available on this page, or under the help section on the Library Website's home page under Library Tutorials.
You can always call ((800) 451-5724), chat or email the library for more help.