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The EBSCO eBooks Open Access Monograph Collection was created in collaboration with university presses and scholarly OA publishers such as University of Michigan Press, Taylor & Francis and Temple University Press to provide access to a large selection of discoverable content, which will continue to grow by the thousands.
Grounded in a transdisciplinary approach, this groundbreaking text provides extensive, evidence-based information on the value of communities as the primary drivers of their own health and well-being. It describes foundational community health concepts and procedures and presents proven strategies for engaging communities as resources for their own health improvementnan important determinant of individual well-being. It is based on recommendations by the World Health Organization's International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health and on the premise that healthy communities are those with populations that participate in their own health promotion, maintenance, and sustenance.
This comprehensive textbook analyzes the ethical issues of healthand health care in global perspective. Ideal for students of publichealth, medicine, nursing and allied health professions, publicpolicy, and ethics, the book helps students in all these areas to develop important competencies in their chosen fields. Applying a comparative, or multicultural, approach, the book compares different perspectives on ethical issues in various countries and cultures, such as informed consent, withholding or withdrawing treatment, physician-assisted suicide, reproductive health issues,research with human subjects, the right to health care, rationing of limited resources, and health system reform. Applying a transnational, or cross-border, approach, the book analyzes ethical issues that arise from the movement of patients and health professionals across national borders, such as medical tourism and transplant tourism, ethical obligations to provide care for undocumented aliens, and the "brain drain" of health professionals from developing countries.
This new edition of the AJN Award-winning textbook analyzes the most current health care reforms and their effect on our health system from a social justice perspective. It addresses the reforms of the landmark health care reform bill passed in March, 2010, and provides students of health care policy with a framework within which they can understand and evaluate our health system. The text provides a comprehensive description and analysis of the historical evolution and organization of our health care system that is framed by a forthright social justice critique. In addition to extensive coverage of our health care system structures, finances, and performance on a variety of population health indicators, the text analyzes disparities in access to health and health care in America-by race, ethnicity, class, age, gender, and geography.
Rural residents face distinct health challenges due to economic conditions, cultural/behavioral factors, and health provider shortages that combine to impose striking disparities in health outcomes among rural populations. This comprehensive text about the issues of rural public health is the only book to focus on rural health from the perspectives of public health and prevention. It covers specific diseases and disorders faced by rural populations, service delivery challenges, practitioner shortfalls in rural areas, and promising community health approaches and preventive measures. The text also addresses rural health care ethics and international perspectives. Nearly all chapters offer best practice recommendations and evidence-based prevention programs.
Communicating in multicultural settings is a field of central interest to those involved in ensuring access to healthcare. Ever-increasing migration requires access to essential legal, medical and social services. This book provides an overview of current issues in this field through a multi-faceted approach, situating the work of potential healthcare professionals and intercultural intermediaries in the broader context of public service providers and practitioners. The book is not oriented towards one population in particular; rather it is directed towards multiple groups, mainly to students of the health sciences and medical professionals interested in communicating with migrants and visitors, and those who have to work in multicultural settings. It is not a theoretical book, nor is it rule-based by any means. It is a handbook oriented towards reflection and practice resulting from years of experience training mediators, interpreters and translators working in minority languages within multicultural settings.
Since the 2014 Ebola outbreak many public- and private-sector leaders have seen a need for improved management of global public health emergencies. The effects of the Ebola epidemic go well beyond the three hardest-hit countries and beyond the health sector. Education, child protection, commerce, transportation, and human rights have all suffered. The consequences and lethality of Ebola have increased interest in coordinated global response to infectious threats, many of which could disrupt global health and commerce far more than the recent outbreak. In order to explore the potential for improving international management and response to outbreaks the National Academy of Medicine agreed to manage an international, independent, evidence-based, authoritative, multistakeholder expert commission. As part of this effort, the Institute of Medicine convened four workshops in summer of 2015 to inform the commission report. The presentations and discussions from the Workshop on Resilient and Sustainable Health Systems to Respond to Global Infectious Disease Outbreaks are summarized in this report.
The U.S. health care system faces well-known problems: 47 million people without health insurance, rapidly rising costs that consume 16 percent of the country's economic output, and widely uneven quality of care. Even many people with coverage are experiencing serious problems paying for the rapidly rising costs of health care and insurance.This book - a joint product of the National Academy of Public Administration and the National Academy of Social Science - undertakes a sweeping analysis of the management and administrative issues that arise in expanding health care coverage.
This co-edited volume addresses a population of people whose lack of health care access, mistreatment in health care settings, and refusal of health care services are often omitted from discussions about health care disparities and insurance reform. The perspectives and needs of LGBT people should be routinely considered in public health efforts to improve the overall health of every person and eliminate health disparities. Previous research suggests that LGBT people experience worse health outcomes than their heterosexual counterparts. Differences in sexual behavior account for some of these disparities, but others are associated with social and structural inequities. Low rates of health insurance coverage, high rates of stress due to systematic harassment, stigma, and discrimination, and a lack of cultural competency in the health care system frequently manifest in negative health-related behaviors.
This new edition of the basic resource has been substantially restructured and updated to reflect the very latest CPD requirements and includes several new chapters. It reviews current policy on CPD and discusses the theoretical basis for maintaining competence and for adult learning, whilst providing practical guidance on how to develop a strategy for professional and career development, and on portfolio preparation that shows evidence of professional updating and CPD.