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AFM 6690 Family Life Education: Writing Requirements

APA  Requirements:

You are required to write in APA format in this course; if you have not yet purchased the APA manual, it is strongly recommended that you do so.  It is recommended you purchase the 7th edition to support your writing in the Applied Family Sciences. You can purchase the 7th edition in the campus bookstore or from an online retailer. The OWL of Purdue as well as the Wilmington University Student Success Center are valuable free online resources than can also help to answer any questions you may have.

APA Video

APA Word Document Template


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RefWorks’ drag and drop capability along with smart document recognition makes it easy and fast to upload documents and bibliographic metadata into your library and the Save to RefWorks feature allows you to capture research from websites with the click of a button. From simple bibliographies to papers formatted with in-text citations or footnotes, RefWorks handles it all.
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Primary and Secondary Sources

Primary and Secondary Sources - 4:35

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