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Doctor of Nursing Practice - Orientation: RefWorks

This guide will introduce you to library resources (and more!) that will benefit you throughout your program.

RefWorks - Log in or Create an account

First time using RefWorks? Create an account in RefWorks and use the following invitation code: 888y-a6nk


Wilmington University students, faculty, staff and alumni can use RefWorks to:

  • import references from databases, web sites, or other citation managers
  • organize your references into folders and share folders
  • insert references in any format into your research paper
  • create a bibliography

This guide will help you use the online citation and research management tool RefWorks to organize citations from Library catalogs and databases as well as from the web.

RefWorks - Log in or Create an account

RefWorks can help you save, organize and share references. References can be added to your Microsoft Word documents as in-text citations and reference lists formatted in any citation style you choose. Sign up for a free account (free for WilmU faculty, staff and students). 

RefWorks is web-based, so you can access it on any Internet-enabled device, including your smart phone or tablet.

You may also use RefWorks offline using the RefWorks Citation Manager (RCM) tool in Microsoft Word. Information on getting started with RCM is listed here and the functionality applies to both online and offline usage.

What is RefWorks?

Welcome to RefWorks!

This update to RefWorks is a new way to collect, manage and organize research papers and documents.  You can read annotate, organize, and cite your research as well as collaborate with friends and colleagues by sharing collections.

RefWorks’ drag and drop capability along with our smart document recognition makes it easy and fast to upload documents and bibliographic metadata into your library and the Save to RefWorks feature allows you to capture research from websites with the click of a button.

From simple bibliographies to papers formatted with in-text citations or footnotes, RefWorks handles it all.

RefWorks Webinars & Screencasts

We offer several webinars on many different topics each month. Below are links to our schedule of upcoming sessions and recordings of recent ones.

Upcoming sessions and recordings

Informational webinars presented by the RefWorks Product Manager and recordings of past ones can be found at:

RefWorks screencasts are available 24/7 on Proquest's YouTube Channel.  Click here to begin watching.

RefWorks Video

Introduction to RefWorks (2025) (5:37)

RefWorks - Linking PDFs and adding citations from PDFs