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Fact Checking & Fake News: In the News

Fact Checking

Essential Reads

170212 - Medium
The rise of the weaponized AI Propaganda machine

There’s a new automated propaganda machine driving global politics. How it works and what it will mean for the future of democracy.

170127 - IFLA
Alternative Facts and Fake News – Verifiability in the Information Society


161228 - MediaShift
How to fight fake news and misinformation? Research helps point the way


161122 - NYT Magazine

Is social media disconnecting us from the big picture?  
By Jenna Wortham @jennydeluxe


161118 Nieman Lab
Obama: New media has created a world where “everything is true and nothing is true”

By Joseph Lichterman @ylichterman 


161118 - Medium
A call for cooperation against fake news

by @JeffJarvis
@BuzzMachine blogger and j-school prof; author of Public Parts, What Would Google Do?


161116 - CNET
Maybe Facebook, Google just need to stop calling fake news 'news'

by Connie Guglielmo @techledes
Commentary: The internet has a problem with fake news. Here's an easy fix.



Knight Foundation - Civic Hall Symposium on Tech, Politics and Media
Agenda and Speakers
New York Public Library - January 18, 2017

Ethical Journalism Network Ethics in the News
EJN Report on the challenges for journalism in the post-truth era


161219 - First Draft News
Creating a Trust Toolkit for journalism

Over the last decade newsrooms have spent a lot of time building their digital toolbox. But today we need a new toolbox for building trust


170114 - Huffington Post
Why do people believe in fake news?


160427 - Thrive Global
12 Ways to break your filter bubble




161211 - NPR
A finder's guide to facts

Behind the fake news crisis lies what's perhaps a larger problem: Many Americans doubt what governments or authorities tell them, and also dismiss real news from traditional sources. But we've got tips to sharpen our skepticism.


Web Literacy for Student Fact-Checkers by Mike Caulfield @holden

Work in progress but already excellent. Recommended by @DanGillmor


161209 - The Guardian
Opinion: Stop worrying about fake news. What comes next will be much worse