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What is a student portfolio?

For the Applied Technology program, a student portfolio is an extensive collection of a student’s work created over the course of their work, military, academic, and other experiences. Think of it as a tool to be used for assessing your achievements, abilities, and strengths. It should consist of documents (papers, presentations), and rich media that provide good examples of the work that you have done in your courses and elsewhere.

Some examples of items you could include:

  • products of significant assignments from courses you have taken
  • products of efforts where you have played a significant role in your work experience
  • videos, graphics, or sound recordings that you create describing the work you have done.

You should do some research to find examples of student portfolios to see what others have done.

Why Portfolios?

"Portfolios are dynamic, developmental representations of personal and professional identities on the Web. Now standard practice for many students and instructors, portfolios typically include examples of an individual’s skills and achievements. Yet more than a digital resume, an academic portfolio also demonstrates the author’s ability to reflect upon and synthesize their work, as well as showcase assessments of their work that have been made by others for the purpose of validating its academic merit."   -Portfolios at Penn State

Portfolio Registration and Useful Tips

"Portfolium" - the electronic portfolio tool

Portfolium User Guide

This link to the Portfoliunm User Guide contains lots of useful information on how to use Portfolium.

Portfolium Discover

This page is has links to a showcase of Portfolium entries across many different categories.