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International Student Guide: Gloucester

Information about how to access reading, entertainment, and research materials such as online periodicals, books, DVD movies, and full-text eBooks about your home country.

Access to Library Databases

1.  Go to the Library homepage,

2.  From the Library homepage, choose ‘Find Articles and More’. Then choose a database from the Library Databases by Title page.

3.  Once a database is chosen, users will be directed to the myWilmU log-in screen.

4.  After logging in, users will be sent directly into the database with full access to content.

Questions about this process? Call the Library, 1-800-451-5724.

Welcome to the Wilmington University Library at Gloucester

Welcome to the Wilmington University Library Guide

at Gloucester

Accessing Wilmington University Library Resources at Gloucester


Library Card– WU students who reside and are attending classes in NJ may obtain a local library card for NJ library resources. 

Computer Usage--Wilmu students have access to the computers in the Rowan College Library by obtaining a temporary username and password at the reference desk.

Material Delivery– Enrolled students and WU Faculty at New Jersey sites can have materials mailed to their home by calling 1-800-451-5724.

ILLiad (Interlibrary Loan)- Materials not owned by the University or unavailable electronically can be obtained through ILLiad, our Interlibrary Loan system. Requests can be made online using ILLiad.

About Rowan College Library


Call, e-mail or come in to the library to solve your research dilemmas. Librarians are here to help you select and locate resources. Whether you need help searching the library databases or navigating the APA manual, library staff are always available in person, by phone or e-mail. Stop in or schedule an appointment for more in-depth assistance.

Request an Individual Assistance Session today!

At the Wilmington University Library,

we are here to help you learn.