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- Review your account
- Request items
- Renew your materials
What is my Library Card Number and PIN?
Students: Your Library Card Number is your Student ID number.
Example: W00155555.
Your complete Student ID number can be found by clicking on My Profile in myWilmU. Your ID number will be listed below your name on the left side bar.
NOTE: If you were a student before Fall 2017 your password may have reverted back to "changeme".
Faculty: Your Library Card Number is your WU Faculty ID number.
Example: W00012345.
Staff: Please call the library for your login information, 1-800-451-5724.
The default PIN is set to “changeme”. We strongly recommend that you change your pin to something you can easily remember.
Logging in is not required to perform a search.
The Wilmington University Library does not generally purchase textbooks for the collection. We recommend that students purchase their Textbooks from the Wilmington University Campus Store
Faculty who seek complementary content for their courses are encouraged to use the library to search for open access textbooks. Use the Discovery link, typing in the terms: OpenStax College and Open Textbook Library. We also recommend use of MERLOT II (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching) linked below.
The Delaware Library Catalog is the online catalog of the Wilmington University Library.
By searching the catalog, you can access the record of any item the Wilmington University Library owns along with other libraries within the Delaware Library Catalog system.
Request Print Materials
Wilmington University Students, Faculty, and Staff can have library materials mailed to their homes, free of charge. Return postage will be included.
Please complete the Library Material Request Form to request an item.
Delivery times may be longer than usual at this time. We appreciate your patience when requesting print materials.
Click on this link to view the new material added to our catalog!
Locate print books using the Delaware Library Catalog search below. Use the drop down menu to search by subject, keyword, author, title or ISBN. Wilmington University students can place holds on print books using their student ID#.
To learn more about placing holds, click here
Use Discovery Search link below to find eBooks. After conducting a search, use the limiter for eBook in the left side menu as shown below. Use the View eBook link in the book record to view the book online. You may be prompted to log in using your myWilmU email and password.