Try searching the catalog for "airlines" or "aeronautics" or "commercial aviation" for books about the industry. The search term "transportation" will yield many results some of which may be helpful as air transport will likely be a part of the book.
If you are searching for books on Marketing Plans try the search terms, "marketing planning" or "market research" and you will find print materials in our libraray. Should you not find that materials are available, you can place a hold on books from other Delaware libraries or use a public library card to gain access to materials from local public libraries.
Keep in mind that the catalog has several search options. First, you can search by subject, title, or keyword. Second, there is small blue hyperlink to the advanced or "custom search" interface. In this area, you will be able to search for separate terms, format types, and locations.
You can apply the same terms to the ebook database as well.
The Delaware Library Catalog is the online catalog of the Wilmington University Library.
By searching the catalog, you can access the record of any item the Wilmington University Library owns along with other libraries within the Delaware Library Catalog system.
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