What is Controlled Vocabulary and why do I need to use it?
Please follow the link below for some tips on using controlled vocabularly. (Provided by Weber State University Library)
Want to know more about creating effective searches using boolean operators? Follow the link below for information from UNC Asheville Libraries.
Be creative, be original, and keep an open mind. Work and rework search strategies and assumptions.
Step back. Gather exploratory information around your idea.
Think where information lives, who owns it. The closer you get to the owner of the data, the better.
Be skeptical. Fact check, conduct due diligence.
Recognize inherent bias in all information resources. Seek out sources that offer alternative viewpoints.
Use multiple resources. Don't limit yourself to one resource, one perspective.
Recognize what you will not find. Process impact.
Good information leads you to more good information. Look for clues that move you forward (an article that mentions a study...)
Document all sources used.
Use Advanced Google search strategies. Improve the ROI on your time and results.
Talk to a live person. Seek out industry experts. It's not all on the Net or in a database. Find out what they know, where else to turn, what else does (or does not) exist.
If you got too few results try one or more of these tips:
Use an OR with synonyms to broaden your search
Consult a thesaurus or index for more search terms
Reduce the number of concepts
Use more general terms
Use truncation to get variations or alternate spellings of your term
Use the broadest search possible (usually Keywords in most databases)
Check your spelling
Check to see if you used AND and OR properly
Check to see if you are using the best database for your topic
If you get too many results try one or more of these tips:
Use an AND to narrow your search
Use more precise terms
Use subject headings instead of Keywords
Consult a thesaurus or index for more narrower terms
Remove truncation
Search in a specific field, such as the Subject or Title field, instead of searching Keywords
Use limits such as language, years or document type.
Please follow this link below for excellent tips on how to search the databases using truncation and wildcard symbols and proximity searches.