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Qualitative and Quantitative Articles in EbscoHost databases

How to determine if an article is Scholarly or Peer-Reviewed

  Scholarly journal article  Non-scholarly journal article 
Purpose  To share with other scholars the results of primary research and experiments  To entertain or inform in a broad, general sense
Audience  Researchers; Academic faculty & students  General public
Author A respected scholar or researcher in the field; an expert on the topic; authors’ names are always noted. A journalist or feature writer; authors’ names not always noted.  
Publisher  A professional association; a university or scholarly commercial publisher.   A commercial publisher.  
Appearance  Very basic layout, usually black text on white paper; tables or charts to illustrate research components; advertising is at a minimum and is subject-related. Often printed on glossy paper with colored text or headlines; usually has accompanying photographs and many advertisements.  
Publication Acceptance Experts (peers) in the field review each article submission before publication acceptance (i.e. peer reviewed).   Writers are often employed by the magazine or publisher; acceptance is based largely on the topic’s consumer appeal; not peer reviewed.  
Language  College-level; specialized vocabulary or jargon of the discipline Non-technical, conversational/simple vocabulary 
Article Length  Often lengthy (approximately 10-30 pages)   Often short (approximately 1-10 pages) 

Article Organization

& References 

Highly-structured; include abstracts, review of literature, methodology, and citations to sources; always contain a bibliography of references   Loosely-structured; rarely have bibliographies; sometimes informally mention sources