Verify your contact information when requesting print materials. When making the request for print, review the address listed in the ILLiad system to make sure we have your current address and contact information.
The Library offers a Material Delivery service to students and faculty that are unable to visit the Library.
The Library staff will retrieve books or other items from our collection and mail materials to you without charge. Return postage for items is also provided.
Request Material Delivery:
Online- Library Material Request Form
Call- 1-800-451-5724
All photocopies of journal articles will be sent directly to your ILLiad account to view online.
NOTE: If you are returning books to the Library by mail, please be aware of the due date and make sure you allow enough time to be returned to the library. Items not returned within 4 weeks of the return date, will be marked lost and your student account will be charged for replacement. Renewing books prior to putting them in the mail is suggested. To renew WilmU materials online click here or call the library. To renew materials from other libraries, login to your ILLiad account or call the library at 1-800-452-5724,
To check status of your request, login to ILLiad and select Outstanding Requests from the menu.
If you select the transaction number, you can view the transaction information page. This page will display your due date. If you need to renew the item, select Renew Request in the top left. You can also Clone Request, if you want to reorder something you previously barrowed.