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APA 7th edition Resources

ChatGPT, Copilot, & GAI Tools

ChatGPT & Other AI Generative Tools

The APA Style team is developing official guidelines on how to cite, quote, and use ChatGPT and other generative AI tools. This technology is new and we are all learning about generative AI resources and how to ethically use them. Listed here is interim guidance and examples as of May 2023. Definitive and detailed guidelines on this topic can be found on the APA Style Blog. 


In-text citation:

When prompted with “Is the left brain right brain divide real or a metaphor?” the ChatGPT-generated text indicated that although the two brain hemispheres are somewhat specialized, “the notation that people can be characterized as ‘left-brained’ or ‘right-brained’ is considered to be an oversimplification and a popular myth” (OpenAI, 2023).


OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT. (May 12 version) [Large language model].

References direct readers to the specific sources that a writer used. Since the text ChatGPT generates is not retrievable, consider including the AI text as an appendix or as online supplemental material. If you do so, then readers may be referred to the appendix or the online supplemental material when the AI text is cited. It would be good practice to describe, in the method section or introduction, how you used the AI tool and the prompt that generated the specific AI response. 

The reference format in Section 10.10 (Software) can be used, with the author of the model as OpenAI, not ChatGPT. The title lists the name of the model, i.e., ChatGPT, Bard, etc., and it italicized. After the title include the version number provided by the model. Provide the descriptorLarge language model, in square brackets. Provide the URL for the source of the model. 

From Unveristy of Guelph-Humber Library. Last updated 2023, May 31. ChatGPT & Other AI Generative Tools. 

APA Manual 7th Ed.: Most Notable Changes

APA Manual 7th Edition:  Most Notable Changes

  1. For Book References:  Publication Location is no longer needed:  New York: NY
  2. In-Text Citations:
    1. Shorten in-text citation for 3+authors: (Taylor et al., 2018) throughout the paper
  3. References:
    1. Changed Format of the DOI’s to URL’s:  No longer identify the DOI. before the number
      1. Change:  doi.10.1080/02626667.2018.1560449
      2. Now:
    2. Don’t include “Retrieved from” in front of the URL – And…Include the website name
      1. Walker, A. (2019, November 14). Germany avoids recession but growth remains weak. BBC News.
  4. Within the Paper:
    1. More Flexibility in Font & Size Choices:
      1. Calibri – 11
      2. Arial – 11
      3. Lucida Sans Unicode – 10
      4. Georgia – 11
      5. Times New Roman – 12
    2. Simplified Running Head:
      1. No Longer Include “Running head:”
      2. Only Papers Title (Title Case:  All in Capital Letters for Major Words, Centered) and the Page Number (In the Heading, Flush Right)
    3. Updated Heading Styles
      1. Heading Level 1 – Centered Bold
      2. Heading Level 2 – Flush Left, Bold
      3. Heading Level 3 – Flush Left, Bold, Italics
      4. Heading Level 4 – Indented ½ inch, Bold with Period.
      5. Heading Level 5 – Indented ½ inch, Bold, Italics with Period.
    4. Between sentences:  Use only one space after periods and other punctuations
    5. Inclusive and Bias free language for topics such as gender, age disability, racial and ethnic identity, and sexual orientation: 
      1. Singular “They” or “Their” as a gender-neutral pronoun
    6. Use descriptive phrases instead of labels:
      1. Instead of “The poor” should use “People living in poverty”
      2. Samples of Inclusive/Descriptive Phrases: 
    7. Use exact ranges:  
      1. Example:  “over 65”  should use “65 to 75 years old”

For more details click in the link - Scribbr:

APA Videos

The 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual, published in October 2019, replaces the 6th edition published in 2009. This video covers the 17 most notable changes in the APA 7th edition.

This video introduces the major formatting changes for student papers.