Affirm what you actually want to assess |
Explore when & how GAI can facilitate student learning |
Identify when GAI cannot facilitate student learning |
Create transparent assignment materials |
Communicate your expectations for GAI |
Does my assignment call for the same type of thinking skills that are articulated in my class outcomes? |
Consider the usefulness of generative AI to serve as: A means of instruction and deeper learning
Metacognition. Examples include: ·Have students identify successes and challenges experienced throughout completion of a project.
·Have students set incremental goals throughout a project, highlighting next steps of a discipline-specific process, resources they used, and the steps about which they are enthusiastic/nervous.
·Have students self-assess their work, identifying strengths and weaknesses of their product/effort.
Task. Students will benefit from having a clear and accessible set of directions for the project or assignment you are asking them to complete. |
Prohibiting AI Use for a Specific Assignment "To ensure development and mastery of the foundational concepts and skills in this course, use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools on this assignment is prohibited. If you are unsure whether or not a tool is considered generative AI and can be used for this assignment, please consult the instructor prior to using the technology or completing your assignment." |
Does my assignment call for the same type of thinking skills that students have actually practiced in class? |
Consider the usefulness of generative AI to serve as: A means of providing meaningful practice/feedback opportunities. |
Authentic application. Examples include: ·Have students engage in problem-based learning projects, ideally in authentic settings (e.g., problems that focus on our local community, real-world challenges, real-world industries, etc.).
·Have students present projects (and engage with) authentic audiences (e.g., real stakeholders, discipline-specific research partners, native-speaking language partners, etc.)
Purpose. Students are often more motivated when they understand why a particular task is worth doing and what specific knowledge or skills they will develop by completing the assigned task. |
Allowing the Use of Generative AI for a Specific Assignment with Attribution "The use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools is permitted for this assignment with proper attribution. Uses might include, but are not limited to: brainstorming, organizing, reviewing grammar.
Is there a need for an additional course outcome that honors what students now need to know about the use of generative AI in their course/field? |
Consider the usefulness of generative AI to serve as: A means of scaffolding assignments. |
Thematic/course connections. Examples include: ·Have students connect select reading(s) to course experiences (labs, field experiences, class discussions).
·Leverage Canvas-based tools that promote student-to-student interactions.
Evaluative Criteria. Students benefit from having a clear sense of how their work will be evaluated and a full understanding of what good work looks like. |
Encouraging the Use of Generative AI for a Specific Assignment with Attribution "The use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools is encouraged for this assignment with proper attribution. Uses might include, but are not limited to: brainstorming, organizing, reviewing grammar.]