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MHE: Master in Higher Education

Higher Education, MEd., MHE, Teacher, Student Affairs, Administration,

APA 7th edition Resources

APA Manual 7th Ed.: Most Notable Changes

APA Manual 7th Edition:  Most Notable Changes
  1. For Book References:  Publication Location is no longer needed:  New York: NY
  2. In-Text Citations:
    1. Shorten in-text citation for 3+authors: (Taylor et al., 2018) throughout the paper
  3. References:
    1. Include up to 20 authors in the reference:  Last names, first and middle initials
    2. Changed Format of the DOI’s to URL’s:  No longer identify the DOI. before the number

i.  Change:  doi.10.1080/02626667.2018.1560449
ii.  Now:

  1. Don’t include “Retrieved from” in front of the URL – And…Include the website name

i.  Walker, A. (2019, November 14). Germany narrowly avoids recession despite trade war hit.  BBC.

  1. Within the Paper:
    1. More Flexibility in Font & Size Choices:

i.  Calibri - 11
ii.  Arial - 11
iii.  Lucida Sans Unicode - 10
iv.  Times New Roman - 12

  1. Simplified Running Head:

i.  No Longer Include “Running head:”
ii. Only Papers Title (All in Capital Letters, Flush Left) and the Page Number (Flush Right)

  1. Updated Heading Styles

i.   Heading Level 1 – Centered Bold
ii.   Heading Level 2 – Flush Left, Bold
iii.  Heading Level 3 – Flush Left, Bold, Italics
iv.  Heading Level 4 – Indented ½ inch, Bold with Period
v.   Heading Level 5 – Indented ½ inch, Bold, Italics with Period

  1. Between sentences:  Use only one space after periods and other punctuations
  2. Inclusive and Bias free language for topics such as gender, age disability, racial and ethnic identity, and sexual orientation: 

i.Singular “They” or “Their” as a gender-neutral pronoun

  1. Use descriptive phrases instead of labels:

i.  Instead of “The poor” should use “People living in poverty”

  1. Use exact age ranges:  

i.  Example:  “over 65”  should use “65 to 75 years old”

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