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What is my Library Card Number and PIN?
Students: Your Library Card Number is your Student ID number.
Example: W00155555.
Your complete Student ID number can be found by clicking on My Profile in myWilmU. Your ID number will be listed below your name on the left side bar.
NOTE: If you were a student before Fall 2017 your password may have reverted back to "changeme".
Faculty: Your Library Card Number is your WU Faculty ID number.
Example: W00012345.
Staff: Please call the library for your login information, 1-800-451-5724.
The default PIN is set to “changeme”. We strongly recommend that you change your pin to something you can easily remember.
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The EBSCO eBooks Open Access Monograph Collection was created in collaboration with university presses and scholarly OA publishers such as University of Michigan Press, Taylor & Francis and Temple University Press to provide access to a large selection of discoverable content, which will continue to grow by the thousands.