One of the most successful coaches in the history of professional basketball offers his own take on his turbulent 2003-2004 season with the Los Angeles Lakers.
Drawing on strategic choice theory, we inves-tigate the influence of CEO leadership styles and personalattributes on the implementation of organizational diversitymanagement practices.
The design of leadership learning programs is enhanced when effort is put into establishing what individuals know and do not yet know about their leadership competencies.
Leadership behavior is a key predictor to individual and organizational performance.Whenever performance does not matchpotential, there is a gap between how we are actually performing and what we could be achieving with the appropriate level of influential leadership and personal motivation.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a professional development intervention on teachers’ implementation of practices related to the Pyramid Model for Promoting Social-Emotional Competence in Young Children, as well as the extent to which teachers generalized and maintained those practices.
Strengths-based education is widely used in colleges and universities today and involves helping students leverage their natural talents instead of trying to focus on remediating weaknesses.