Know the how and why of common conditions--and assess them accurately--with the newly updated Pathophysiology Made Incredibly Visual, 3rd Edition . Fully illustrated in the popular Made Incredibly Visual style, this essential guide offers easy-to-follow explanations for the causes and mechanisms of numerous common disorders, listing symptoms and indications for each.
Delivering Culturally Competent Nursing Care, Second Edition, explores the cross-cultural interactions and conflicts between nurses and the diverse array of patients they may see. Culturally competent nurses can cut through preconceptions, reduce health disparities, and deliver high-quality care as they encounter patients from a range of backgrounds and beliefs.
This brand new updated edition of the most comprehensive reference book on pancreatic disease details the very latest knowledge on genetics and molecular biological background in terms of anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pathophysiology for all known disorders. Included for the first time, are two brand new sections on the key areas of Autoimmune Pancreatitis and Benign Cystic Neoplasms.
From the publishers of the market-leading at a Glance series, and from the authors of the successful Fundamentals of Applied Pathophysiology textbook comes the ideal revision guide for all the key diseases and conditions that nursing and healthcare students need to be aware of. Combining superb illustrations with accessible and informative text, this book is perfect for all nursing and healthcare students, and anyone who is looking for an overview of pathophysiology.
Focusing on the interprofessional team, this cardiovascular resource provides evidence-based knowledge and guidance for advanced practice nurses in a variety of care settings. Its clinically relevant and directly applicable information is presented in an accessible and well-organized format. The book encompasses clinical findings, diagnostic testing, state-of-the-art procedures, and therapeutic interventions commonly used in inpatient and outpatient clinical cardiology.
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