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Master of Science in Nursing Leadership

WilmU Book Club

WilmU Book Club

Preregister for the Zoom link and join other students, faculty, and staff. Check out the link below for the next book and meeting time. Often the book club meets from noon to 1 pm on a Wednesday afternoon.

What's a Journal Club?

What is a Journal Club?

A group of people agrees to read an article and get together to discuss it. Journal clubs don’t have to read articles, but can discuss book chapters, podcast episodes, a video, webinar, etc. Our goal is to develop an evidence-based practice where we discuss and learn from trends and emerging research related to nurse leadership.

Goal: Booked Up in the College of Health Professions brings together Health Professionals to convene and enjoy topic-provided discussions. 

Join Us for the NEXT Discussion!

Join us!

When we are meeting via Zoom:

What we are reading: 1 chapter from

Title: Melnyk, B. M. P. A. F., & Raderstorf, T. D. R. (Eds.). (2019). Evidence-based leadership, innovation and entrepreneurship in nursing and healthcare : A practical guide to success. Springer Publishing Company. 

Resources may require participants to log in with Wilmington University credentials.

Read chapter 4: Key strategies for optimizing personal health and well-being: A necessity for effective leadership Pages 69-82


or Read chapter 7: Leading organizational change and building wellness cultures for maximum POI and VOI. Pages 107-124.


or Read chapter 8: Achieving the quadruple aim in healthcare with evidence-based practice: A necessary leadership strategy for improving quality, safety, patient outcomes, and cost reductions. Pages 125-144.

Future Articles & Dates

Resources may require participants to log in with Wilmington University credentials.

Contact Lisa Drews for the Zoom link to the discussion meeting.


Title: Melnyk, B. M. P. A. F., & Raderstorf, T. D. R. (Eds.). (2019). Evidence-based leadership, innovation and entrepreneurship in nursing and healthcare : A practical guide to success. Springer Publishing Company.

Read chapter 4: Key strategies for optimizing personal health and well-being: A necessity for effective leadership Pages 69-82

or Read chapter 7: Leading organizational change and building wellness cultures for maximum POI and VOI. Pages 107-124.

or Read chapter 8: Achieving the quadruple aim in healthcare with evidence-based practice: A necessary leadership strategy for improving quality, safety, patient outcomes, and cost reductions. Pages 125-144.


A few Journal options:

1. Bleich, M. R. (2021). A Development Challenge: Embracing Technology in Leadership Development. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 52(6), 260+.

2. Garcia-Dia, M. J. (2022). The ethical recruitment of internationally educated nurses: a leadership perspective on labor migration. Nurse Leader, 20(1), 43–47.

3. Gruebling, N., Beckman, B. P., & Reeves, S. A. (2021). Wisdom shared: health system nurse executives share success strategies for building high-performing nursing organizations. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 51(6), 307–309.

4. Harris, T. J. (2021). The reality for minorities exploring nurse executive leadership. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 51(6), 19.

5. Hattori-Uchima, M., & Wood, K. (2019). Nursing leadership in Guam. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 43(1), 19–25.

6. Hayes, C., Wood, L. J., Gaden, N. W., Gennaro, S., Gross, A. H., Hudson-Jinks, T. M., Loescher, C. W., Maurer, M. L., Mittelman, M., Pearson, M. M., Sharp-McHenry, L., Thompson, L. S., & Van Pelt, M. (2021). The dual epidemics of 2020: nursing leaders' reflections in the context of whole person/whole systems. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 45(3), 243–252.

7. Stelnicki, A. M., & Carleton, R. N. (2021). Nursing leadership has an important role in the management of nurses' mental health. Nursing Leadership (Toronto, Ont.), 34(2), 12–15.