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Master of Science in Nursing Leadership

Use these resources to assist you in the following classes, or whenever they might be useful.

MSN 6609 Advanced Concepts in Pathophysiology and Pharmacology &

MSN 6610 Advanced Physical Assessment for Nurse Leaders

Recommended Library Databases

Watch a brief tutorial on searching in the CINAHL database

CINAHL Searching 2024: Nursing and patient advocacy video 5:11
Search Terms

Selection of appropriate search terms is very important. We recommend connecting the search terms using the Boolean operator AND. Also, truncate words using the * symbol to search for variant word endings. Here are some helpful search strategies to try using the databases listed on this page:

  • pathology AND "cancer progression"
  • pathology AND symptom*
  • pathology AND progression AND "lung cancer"
Suggested eBooks

Click on the hyperlinked title to learn more. You may need to log in with your WilmU credentials or refresh the screen to access these eBooks.

Search Terms

Selection of appropriate search terms is very important. We recommend connecting the search terms using the Boolean operator AND. Also, truncate words using the * symbol to search for variant word endings. Here are some helpful search strategies to try using the databases listed on this page:

  • Pharmacology methods
  • Pharmacology AND lifespan
  • Special Populations OR Vulnerable Groups
  • Drug Interaction OR Drug Tolerance
Recommended Journals

In addition to searching with library databases, you can also search within specific journals publishing content on the topic area. Below are a list of recommended journals that are either licensed by the library or provide open access.


Click on the hyperlinked title to learn more. You may need to log in with your WilmU credentials or refresh the screen to access these eBooks.


Search Terms

Selection of appropriate search terms is very important. We recommend connecting the search terms using the Boolean operator AND. Also, truncate words using the * symbol to search for variant word endings. Here are some helpful search strategies to try using the databases listed on this page:

Nursing Assessment AND Head-to-toe

Physical Examination AND Cultural Competence

Nursing Diagnosis AND Patient History

Recommended Journals

In addition to searching with library databases, you can also search within specific journals publishing content on the topic area. Below are a list of recommended journals that are either licensed by the library or provide open access.

Recommended eBook

Click on the hyperlinked title to learn more. You may need to log in with your WilmU credentials or refresh the screen to access these eBooks.