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How to Use Library Journal Locator to Find Full Text

Your interlibrary loan request was cancelled. This may have happened because the full text is available in the library databases - now what?

You can use the tool, Library Journal Locator, to find the full text. Below are screenshots to help you.

If you are still unable to locate the full text using the Library Journal Locator, you can email the library at or call 1-800-451-5724.

Select the link below to access the Library Journal Locator. The tool will open in a new page. Use the screenshots on this page to help you navigate a search for full text articles.

Enter the title of the publication (journal) and then Search.

Select the Journal Title. View the Coverage dates to guide your choice.

After clicking on the Journal Title, the next webpage will look different depending on the database vendor. Below are examples of various databases vendors - use the box tabs to view the screenshots. If the database is a subscription through WilmU library, you will be prompted to login using your myWilmU email address and password. 

Finding Full Text in Databases- Select tabs to view screenshots

You can choose to either Search within the publication or expand available years of publication and choose the volume and issue associated with the article.

When searching within the publication, enter the title into the search field and click on Search. Click on the PDF or HTML link to access the full text.

From the Journal homepage, Click on All IssuesSage journal homepage

Browse by Year - Click on + icon for publication year then select the volume and issue needed. Click on link to view the issue contents. Sage browse journal

Scroll down the page to view the articles from the selected issue until you find the one you need.                                                      Use the PDF icons to access the full text.Sage full text

From the Journal homepage, either click on Advanced Search to search by article title, or use the Journal Issue List to browse for publication year, volume and issue. Expand the years by clicking on the arrows. 

Ovid journal homepage

Search by Title or Click on specific journal issue and scroll to view the issue contents. Use the PDF full text link to access the article. 

From the newspaper homepage, use the search box to search by title, or use the drop down filters to locate a specific issue.

searching within the newspaper

Scroll to view the issue contents and use the Full Text link to access the article.

full text in News and Newspapers database

Once on the journal homepage, expand the years to locate specific volume and issue needed.

Wiley Online Library Journal homepage

 Once you have found the volume/issue that is needed, scroll to view contents. Use the PDF link to access the full text of the article. 

full text in wiley online library

You can chose to search by title using the Search Field or select Browse List of Issues under the search field area.

Taylor and Francis database journal homepage

When browsing the list of issues, use the + symbol to the right of the volume and publication year needed. This option will allow you to select the specific volume/issue and then article. 

Taylor and Francis databases browsing all issues page