All research projects involve a review of the literature which means "use of the literature written by others". You will be quoting, paraphrasing, and citing the work of others.
Therefore, you will have to understand how to write about the work of others and how to cite their work using writing conventions appropriate to your field of study.
In other words, you will need a basic understanding of the ethics of information use.
Read below to learn more about:
From: Karl E. Mundt Library, Dakota State University, Madison, South Dakota
Find out more about how to recognize and avoid plagiarism with this in-depth presentation by James Bradley, Instruction Librarian, Wilmington University.
Students of Wilmington University are expected to be honest and forthright in their academic pursuits. This means quoting, paraphrasing and citing the sources.
I. Citing
A. Why cite?
1. To give credit to those whose work you have used (whether by direct quote or by paraphrasing).
2. To provide evidence to support what you are saying.
3. To allow your readers to find and read your sources.
B. Why a specific citation style?
1. Using a consistent style in a bibliography (or reference list) lets the reader know where in the citation to expect to find a title, where to expect to find an author, etc -- without actually labeling the parts of the citation. It makes it easier for your readers to understand your citations and find the sources you have cited.
2. Although a variety of citation styles exist, each academic discipline will usually use a specific style. By using a single style such as APA or IEEE, a profession's readers are familiar with the style and understand how to read and interpret it.
C. What do I need to know about citing sources?
1. When to cite.
2. How to cite sources within the body of the paper and how to create a list of sources cited in your paper -- the "bibliography" or list of "references." If you need help with a specific citation style, see "Guide to Citing Sources" for citation style guides such as APA, IEEE, and MLA.
II. Avoiding plagiarism
A. What is plagiarism?
1. Plagiarism is the accidental or intentional use of someone else's ideas or work without properly citing the author. Whether accidental or intentional, the consequences are the same. It is your responsibility to understand and avoid plagiarism.
"There is a cultural dimension to plagiarism as well. Here in the West we put a high value on individual genius and have all sorts of laws protecting intellectual property. We own our words, feel personally attached to them, and often take it as a personal offense if someone else takes them and passes them off as their own. In other cultures less emphasis is put on individual attribution and more on the social utility of texts and ideas and these are often shared and reused without any expectation of attribution.... So social norms have a lot to do with what is considered appropriate use of sources. Consider this a little lesson in the norms for source use in our social context." [Source: "Plagiarism: What is Plagiarism." In: Information Literacy Tutorial, Carnegie-Vincent Library, Lincoln Memorial University]
2. Consequences for plagiarizing. Plagiarism is considered a major offense in academia. Depending on the situation, a student might fail the assignment, fail the course, and/or be denied re-enrollment at the university.
B. How do I avoid plagiarism? Be able to recognize it!
1. Read and understand the examples of word-for-word plagiarism in: "Examples: Word for Word." In: How to Recognize Plagiarism, Indiana University Bloomington School of Education. Read all 5 examples of plagiarism. [Note: The examples in this section use the APA citation style.]
2. Read and understand the examples of paraphrasing plagiarism in: "Examples: Paraphrasing." In: How to Recognize Plagiarism, from Indiana University Bloomington School of Education. Read all 5 examples of plagiarism. [Note: The examples in this section use the APA citation style.]
3. Do the practice exercise in: "Practice." In: How to Recognize Plagiarism, from Indiana University Bloomington School of Education. Do all 10 practice questions.
C. How do I avoid plagiarism? Be able to paraphrase and follow safe practices!
1. Read and understand how to paraphrase in: "Paraphrase: Write It in Your Own Words." In: Purdue Online Writing Lab, Purdue University. Note especially the "6 Steps to Effective Paraphrasing."
2. Read and understand ways to avoid plagiarism in: "Safe Practices." In: Purdue Online Writing Lab, Purdue University.
III. Quoting, paraphrasing and citing: examples for information systems, information assurance, and computer science
A. Quoting and Paraphrasing, Accessible Computer Science Research Guide, Dalhousie University
An important learning outcome of your university education is that you respect the intellectual property rights of others.
I. What is "intellectual property"?
II. What should I know about copyright in order to legally use the work of others?
A. United States copyright law protects (1) literary works; (2) musical works, including any accompanying words; (3) dramatic works, including any accompanying music; (4) pantomimes and choreographic works; (5) pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works; (6) motion pictures and other audiovisual works; (7) sound recordings; and (8) architectural works.
B. As original work that is fixed in a tangible medium, material on the Web is protected. It is illegal to grab an image off someone else's web page and put it on your web page without the permission of the copyright owner.
C. For educational purposes, some uses of copyrighted material are allowed through provisions of copyright law such as "fair use."
III. Plagiarism vs. copyright infringement.
A. Plagiarism is the use of another's work without giving proper credit. Plagiarism is an ethical issue while copyright infringement is a legal issue.