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DBA : Doctorate of Business Administration Orientation: Home

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We are here to help you!

WilmU Librarians are available to help you with your research needs. Library instruction and research consultations are available by Zoom web conference, in person and by phone. You can Chat with one of the library staff or send an email for a quick question. If you have a more in-depth research need, please complete the consultation request form linked below.

Library Assistance

Faculty may ask for Library Instruction for their students for any course. Whether for a general introduction to library services/resources, for a particular assignment, or for information about specific resources, Librarians can customize a session to fit the needs of the course. Instruction Sessions can be done in the Library in the classroom or virtually.

To schedule a Library Instruction Session please fill out the request form below:

Wilmington University Library


We Help You Learn

Wilmington University librarians have selected subject-specific databases, web sites, books, and other sources to help you with your research and questions.

Choose a gold tab above to get started.

Library Welcome Video

Library Welcome Video (2024)